Michael Aha - Organizational Development / Human Resources

- More than 35 years of experience in International Human Resource Management and Organizational Development worldwide
- Responsible for Human Resources, Real estate, Information Systems, Sales Operations for the European and International subsidiaries of premium IT Corporations
- Covering more than 11.000 employees in Europe, Asia and South America
- Set-up of International subsidiaries of American or European Corporations in close cooperation with Finance and Legal
- Sourcing, selection, hiring and on-boarding of Senior Management, General Management, C-level Positions
- Implementation of International reorganizations
- Worldwide integration of subsidiaries and employees following acquisitions and/or mergers
- Development and implementation of sales-organization including establishment of sales goals, related sales compensation plans
- Set-up of e-commerce organization aha-trendstyle gmbh and leading it as Managing Director
- Consulting and supporting General Management of aha-international media gmbh as major shareholder